Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Beyond the Clouds

I was struggling to concentrate, but my mind seemed to go all over the place. I couldn’t even focus on a single thought let alone going beyond any one of them. Then I started staring at the clouds scattered across the sky. They seem to be very similar to the thoughts crowded in my head. As I was very much preoccupied with the thoughts in my mind I could not see the reality that is found beyond them. If one completely focuses on the clouds, one could not realize the higher reality we call the sky. The clouds are closer but more rapidly changing aspect of reality. But the sky that lies beyond is higher and more permanent than the clouds. When we consider this reality that stretches beyond the clouds, we could even realize that there is no such a thing called the sky, but a... vast expanse of space that encompasses all the planets and the stars including our own earth.

If we could also transcend the cloudy realities of our thoughts that cover our mind we may find the higher and deeper reality called the mind. And when we do understand the real nature of this mind stuff, we may realize that there is nothing as such called the mind except a greater awareness that witnesses everything including our own being. This may be what is called the state of no mind. But most of us so preoccupied with the fleeting thoughts crowded in our mind that we could not see the reality beyond them. We even take the thoughts as the highest truths ignoring the existence of even a higher truth beyond them.

The clouds are of course one aspect of reality but they are only temporary and they should not be taken more than what they are. The clouds are there until they cool down and then fall down to the ground to influence the external reality in which we live. And thoughts are the same as clouds as they would be crystallized into actions to affect the environment we live in some way. But when we start to consider them to be more than this, we would be impaired to see the higher and deeper truth that lies beyond the clouds.

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